We're gathering funky dog slogans for our exciting new project, featuring cartoons on postcards, cups, mugs, canvas bags, and more!
Stay connected with us on Instagram @cupooch and subscribe to be the first to catch this pawsome collection as it unfolds. Don't miss out on the first drop for all you pup-loving Cupooch fans!
1. It’s my moon and I can howl if I want to.
2. The Chaos Theory explained.
3. I’m the Big Bang Theory.
4. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.
5. I’m a party animal.
6. I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing.
7. I am not predisposed to Authority.
8. Now they tell me I’m adopted.
9. I’m going to sit on your lap, deal with it.
10. Two legs good, but four legs better.
11. I’m not the Messiah, I’m a very naughty dog.
12. In dog years, I’m old enough to be your dad.
13. It wasn’t me, I didn’t do it, nobody saw me.
14. Engineered to move the human spirit.
15. Ask me about my dog.
16. Rescued is my favourite breed.
17. Sometimes we don’t need advice all we need is a dog.
18. Only a life lived for others is a life lived at all.
19. The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
20. Life’s too short to have just one dog.
21. The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.
22. Dogs are Gods way of apologising about our relatives.
23. If you are looking for a perfect dog you will never find a good one.
24. The journey of life is sweeter when travelled with a dog.
25. All guests must be approved by the dog.
26. Who finds a faithful dog, finds a treasure.
27. My dog knows all about me, but still likes me.
28. I accept my dog’s admiration as conclusive proof that I am
29. I ain’t doing shit today, I’m hanging with my dog.
30. The eyes of a dog are a good mirror.
31. A dog in the hand is worth two hours in therapy.
32. If you believe in god, heaven is where all dogs go and few
33. Lord help me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.
34. Dogs think humans are nuts and they are right.
35. My dog loves bullshit because he listens to me all the time.
36. My cat thinks I have great insight, that’s why I have a dog.
37. Three in the bed and the furry one said move over.
38. I’ll wear a jumper when you wear a tail.
39. Three Hail Marys. Three circles. Same difference, OK.
40. No Sheldon, that’s my spot.
41. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.
42. The question isn’t who is going to let me. It’s who is going to stop me.
43. You try staying in tune, watching a cow jump over the moon.
44. Everyone tells me to follow my dreams, so I’m staying in bed.
45. I’m trying to be awesome today but I’m exhausted from being awesome yesterday.
46. How come humans get to name their dog but dogs can’t name their humans.
47. Somebody broke into the house and did a poo on your bed that looks like mine.
48. He feeds me, he walks me, he picks up my poo, I sleep in his bed. Yeah, he’s the boss!
49. If you can’t eat it, play with it, or shag it, pee on it and move on.
50. Why does the cat get to go to the bathroom inside?
51. A bad place to be is between me and the ball.
52. All it takes is all you got.
53. Don’t run against others, run against yourself.
54. I can go the distance.
55. Look up, get up, never give up.
56. My paws have more miles than your car.
57. Run fast, run hard, just keep running.
58. The faster you run, the sooner you finish.
59. You may be strong but I am stronger.
60. You want to come in second, just follow me.
61. Forget about it Princess, not even Cinderella is getting this ball.
62. You talk the talk can you walk the walk?
63. Play hard, get dirty, have fun.
64. Feed me and tell me I’m pretty.
65. A dog’s dinner. It’s not how it looks, it’s how it smells.
66. Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bite you take, I’ll be watching you.
67. I know you had a bad day, but my dish ain’t going to fill itself.
68. If you buy me a sausage every day I’ll teach you how to speak dog.
69. Clean my water dish then I won’t drink from the toilet.
70. When they open this door, I’m going apeshit.
71. I’m a BatDog I’m addicted it kicking ass.
72. You calling me a pussy? Say that to my face.
73. Mess with me, asshole, and I’m going to headbutt your crotch.
74. It’s my job to stop the scum taking over our city — I’m BatDog.
75. Love chasing a guy on a bike with lycra shorts. Love to bite his ass.
76. Don’t worry, when the revolution begins I will kill you quickly.
77. Leave me alone, I am only talking to dogs today.
78. I hope you had a very good reason to make my dog bark.
79. There’s a special place in hell for Dog Wardens.
80. Mess with my dog and they’ll never find your body.
81. Do not try to play crazy with me, I’m better at it.
82. Chill. Some days you’re the dog, some days you’re the tree.
83. Why did I roll in it? Cause I’m Mad, Bad and Dangerous to know.
84. Back off! Today ain’t your day and tomorrow don’t look good either.
85. Warning! It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.
86. Yes, I can lick it — jealous, aren’t you?
87. Hey Babe, mind if I hump your leg.
88. Blame your farts on me that is SOO not funny.
89. Me and my dog talk shit about you.
90. Looks like a three-dog night.
91. Had an awesome idea — you and I take a bath together.
92. Go to bed with a dog and wake up with a snog.
93. Hey dude, wanna hang out today?
94. You looking at me? Well, every dog has his own way of walking.
95. This Bitch is going walkies…
96. Walkies! First things first. Where’s the nearest tree.
97. Let sleeping dogs lie, I need a recharge.
98. A walkies and a bone a day or the cat gets it.
99. If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all.
100. If your dog is fat, you need more exercise.
101. You know when things heat expands — I’m not fat I’m Hot.
102. Get climate change sorted or I’m back to Pluto.
103. Climate Change: My next Dogmobile will be Tesla.
104. Dogs against climate change: Stop wildfires Pee on a tree.
105. Save the planet, less people, more dog’s.
106. My windows ain’t dirty, that’d dog’s noes art.
107. Step away. This Dogmobile is not for that type of dogging.
108. Fight Obesity. I’m taking my chauffeur for his daily walk.
109. My Dogmobile is dogmatic.
110. Let sleeping dogs lie! My Dogmobile has a sleeper.
111. Where am I going? Ask my chauffeur.
112. Does a bear shit in the woods? Me, anytime, anywhere.
113. A better place to live in, if you Scoop, Tote and Bin. Cu the Poo.
114. Scoop it. Tote it. Bin it. Cu the poo.
115. For every poop, there’s a scoop.
116. Dogs have no loo, so scoop the poo.
117. Andrex is for wimps! Cu the Poo.